Wednesday, May 20, 2015

sarah in the bible

Sarah in the Bible.

God promised her something that she desperately wanted but was very hard for her to believe in.
He then delivered exactly as He had promised, but in HIS timing, not hers.

But in the waiting, the long waiting, Sarah's faith faltered, so she used her reasoning and resourcefulness to make happen what God had promised her. Maybe she had thought that God wanted her to make it happen; that His method of providing the promise was through Sarah's own efforts. Can't blame her there. Her intentions were good, but the results were absolutely catastrophic and completely avoidable. They brought her family years of pain and division, and have even carried forward to our present day Middle East conflicts.

Wait for God. Keep talking to Him about whatever you're waiting for. His way always works out the best. Trust God, that He is both faithful and capable. Don't assume He needs you to out-think him.

Wait and see that the Lord is good.

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